Wednesday, February 29, 2012

bye, bye GFC!! What am I to do now?

I'm so confused with all this.  Why does it have to go away?  I guess I've been in denial for these past couple of months and now I'm trying to save the people I have. I've been trying to stop by and follow some in what ever way possible. I'd hate to lose all my followers and I'd really hate to lose everyone that I'm following. 

<insert sad face here....> 

With that said, I would really like it if you would continue to follow me. Here are some of the way to do that. 

If you have Linky follower, sign up that way, it's right there on the right side of my page. You can click follow at the very top of the page near the search button, sign up to receive emails, follow me on Pinterest or follow on Google+ Buttons are to the right. 
Pretty Please.......
and just leave a comment to let me know you did one of the following so I can gladly follow in return. Thank you to all my awesome readers!!
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Sewing stuff - New tote bag!

Just wanted to share the new tote bag I made a couple of weeks ago.  I've made a couple more since making this bag, I just forgot to take the pics.  I will be making more totes this week.... these little sausage fingers are gonna be super busy. I'm going to be making big hobo that really what they're called? lol!! 

For some extra flare I'll just tie the selvages or leftover fabric to the handle.  Sometimes it's a flower or a initial. I like to personalize it a little bit.

Both the outside and inside pockets have brown on the inside with the blue stitching.

I really like the way this bag came out!  My sister loved it!  

Linking up at:
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Friday, February 24, 2012

My AMAZING Birthday Bash!! Thank you to my wonderful Hubby!!

I just wanted to share some of my Birthday with you!  It was a great couple of days, that were made even more special by my Truly Wonderful Hubby!! Thank you for making my 32nd 21st Birthday so amazing! ♥ him!!
{1} Birthday card from the big Boss at work, wasn't that nice. ☺
 {2} A big ole carrot cake, sorry no pic it was all gone & beautiful, 
cheery pink carnations from my co-workers
(I read somewhere that Carnations are back in style)
{3} The Hubs treated me to a day at the spa!!  Facial, Massage, 
Mani, Pedi and Lunch (5 hours of needed relaxationand 
date night movie " This Means War" 'd it
  {4} Waking up and excited about our getaway! Even my hair was 
excited, lol! (The Virgin Queen ain't got nothing on this do)
{5} A 2 hour drive is not to bad of a drive! At least we didn't have 
to make stops to pee! We had a lot of coffee that morning.
{6} Hey hubs "why so serious", lol!!  He didn't know I was taking 
the picture. Can you tell that I'm excited? 
    {7} Look at us holding hands! How disgusting is our love? I'm happy 
   that he still wants to hold my hand after 11 years of being together!
       {8} Yay.....we finally made it to our destination!  I'm glad it's not too far 
        away from us. Just a hop, skip and jump across state lines, that's all. lol!
 {9} After checking in we hit up the buffet!!  Don't you just love casino
 buffets! Hello, snow crab and about a billion other things....yummo!! 
Thank you Le Beaucoup for allowing us to stuff our faces for $20 
bucks without shame or judgement.
{10} My Birthday desserts - carrot cake, caramel & pecan cheesecake
and the key lime was for the hubs!!
 {11} There were these lovely outfits through out the hotel.....
I totally could have rocked this one!
{12} Well, we won some $ and we lost some $ not too much.  
Now it was time to come back home! Waaaahhhhh!
{13} Happy Fat Tuesday!!  We got our fill of crawfish, potatoes and corn!  
Yes, we eat MudBugs! The spicier the better!
{14} What better way to end my 5 day Birthday Bash! Slab of the Marble, lol!!
Oh...I found my happiness - Cheesecake ice cream w/pecans in a waffle cup!

It was a fabulous time and I got to share it with my hubby! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Family Showcase.... #5

This week I'm introducing


He is my brothers son. He recently turned (3) in December.  Aiden has two sisters Anne-Marie who just turned (2) on February 12th, and Aubrey Rose who is (1½).  He loves his sisters very much.  

These are pictures from his 3rd Birthday that I was able to take.

He was eating all the candy he could... because he knew his dad would normally not allow him to eat this much.

Aiden loves Spiderman as you can see from his birthday pics.  He loves to take pictures, then will ask you to let him see it!  Aiden can sing you his ABC's and he can probably work my phone better than I can.  He enjoys playing with his cousins.  He likes to say words like Awwwesoooommmeee and Niiiiiccceee....and always adds that extra emphasis to the words. lol! He's a pretty great kid, but don't try to wake him up from his naps, talk about Mr. Grumpy Pants. 

Thanks for stopping by and getting to know my family.

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It's So Very Cheri is hosting a super Linky Hop!!  Come on and join!

Click on her button to visit the page or link up here!!  I like her will stop by and follow back, just leave me a message below, letting me know.  

On to the Linky Party!!  Have fun and follow her rules! ☺

Yes, It is the BUZZ and everyone is in a panic because they don’t know what to do about loosing their Google Friends. We all like having an organized place to see our followers and click to visit them.
Many of you have probably already heard that

GOOGLE Friend Connect will go away

on Feb 29 for any one that is not with blogspot
but rumor has it that it is being completely phased out for everyone soon


there is good news
There is a NEW awesome tool–Linky Followers
It has so many amazing features (that GFC never had). If you have not signed up you should. (yes you can have both.) I love the new tool so much and want everyone to enjoy all the new features.
…and did I tell you its super easy and FREE!

What better way to celebrate a fun new blogging tool than to have a party
so break out your poodle skirt and saddle back shoes cuz’ we’re having a LINKY FOLLOWER PARTY HOP


1. you MUST have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate.

If you see that your link has been deleted you need to add the LINKY FOLLOWER tool to your site and then come back over and re-enter your link
{You can have both the LINKY FOLLOWERS & GFC on your site but you must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS toolto participate in this party hop.}

2. You MUST follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.

3. Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.

4.Then grab the BLOG HOP code

You will find the code right under the Linky Party where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER
just under that it says: WHAT IS A BLOG HOP? GET THE CODE HERE
Click on GET THE CODE HERE and enter it into a post on your site.
You can grab the party button code in the FOOTER at Its So Very Cheri
You can grab info from my post if it helps you with your post.

5. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want)
–leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back.

If you want to add the BLOG HOP to your own site you will get lots of new followers(see rule #2)
Its So Very Cheri has and will continue to visit every entry-I try to leave comments but this party has had so many entries and in order to get to everyone I had to change things around. I will come by to make sure you have the Linky Follower tool and follow you. If I mess up and forget to come over and follow you please leave me a comment and I will come back over to do so. You will see my button in your list of followers.

…So do ya want to go Cruisin’?

I plan on HOPPING from BLOG to BLOG to follow everyone who follows me.

If you would like to participate in a fun PIN party head over to the DIY Club and enter the monthly PINNING Party.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does this even work for anybody?

I saw a pic on Pinterest (duh..where else could you find awesomeness that inspires), it was a macaroni box.   I don't think I laughed so hard.  I thought to myself this is so true. How many times have I tried to open a box with the simplest directions "EVER" only to want to throw it against the wall or stab it with a knife!
So I decided to make my own picture.

I definitely know that I'm not the only one out there that has this same issue.
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Knitting + being careful = big fail

Hey guys! Remember a couple of weeks ago when I was showing off my new fancy skill that I was learning and had a cute photo showing off the fancy skill....remember?
I guess this happens when you're a knitting newbie, huh! 
As soon as I cut I screamed....Noooooooooooooooooo! 

I can't believe that I did this. I was being super careful too....okay maybe I wasn't paying attention or something distracted me. Like grabbing the pair of scissors or making sure the ball of yarn was to my when I got the scissors I would cut the string to my right.
Oh's fixed! Now I can continue knitting the worlds longest scarf! lol!  At the rate I'm going it will be done by next winter and will be long enough to keep the hubs and myself super warm!

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

oooh..S'mores!! Okay fake yummy not so good for you s'mores!

A s'more (sometimes spelled smore) is a traditional nighttime campfire treat popular in the United States and Canada consisting of a roasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker .

Well, I only used one of the above mentioned ingredients.
Here's what I used chocolate cake frosting, marshmallows, and shortbread cookies!

These are easy to make and no outdoor fire needed!  I made these using the flame from the stove.  Some people don't have outdoor pits, or it might me too cold the stove works great.  I added a little frosting to the cookie, put about 5 mini marshmallows on a skewer and toasted.  (adult supervision when toasting marshmallows, if kids are not old enough)


Yes...I know cake frosting is like lard but it's soooooo good,  plus it said made with Hershey's chocolate, lol!!  

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday Family Showcase.... #4

Today I'm going to introduce my nephew 


He is my other sisters only child.  He made me an Auntie for the very first time. Jacob is going to be (8) in June and he's in the 2nd grade. This kid is smart.....he's in the gifted & talented program at his school.  He loves to read, play baseball and build things.  He has about a billion monster trucks, that are always nice and neat. Jacob enjoys playing video games with his dad or anyone who challenges him.

Halloween 2011

Jacob is straight forward and will tell it like it is. That's what I love about him, brutal honesty! Even if it does hurt my feelings, lol.  I try to do crafts with the nieces and nephews every holiday.  This last craft session we had he told me,  "Tia (Spanish for auntie)  if you're not dead yet and I'm married and have kids will you do crafts with me and the kids?" I told him I sure would! 

 :'( ← TEAR 

He is my Peanut and I love him!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

"It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them."
~Agatha Christie

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever."
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

"Love makes the wildest spirit tame, and the tamest spirit wild."
~Alexis Delp

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."
~Helen Keller

"I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."
~Roy Croft

"Love reminds you that nothing else matters."
~Amy Bushell

"I don’t wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone."

Every one have a lovely day!!

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I surely have the Sweetest Valentine!!

My hubby is awesome!!  
This sneaky guy woke up early to put my gift into my truck, so I'd see it getting into the vehicle!

Well look what I received for Valentine's Day! I am soooo happy, I've been eyeballing the thing every time we go to BestBuy.  I already have a e-reader, not a top brand but it works.  So I didn't necessarily need to have it. But every time I saw the KindleFire I swear I heard heavenly voices singing, lol!!

Thanks honey buns, I love you!!  Not only today, but forever!

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Monday, February 13, 2012


We all have them.....
some have bad ones, some have good ones.

This Monday is not bad. But I'm excited about NEXT Monday!! 
Oh it's my Birthday!! Yay!!

it's my birthday, it's my birthday....we're gonna party like it's my birthday!!!

Since Valentines day and my birthday are only six days apart.... I don't ask for anything fancy, I don't demand 2 gifts, I'm not picky - most of the time, I don't need to be lavished with diamonds - I already have them. I don't go bonkers because I didn't get flowers, or the giant bear that is bigger than my lil ole 5'1-5'2 self....<---man, I'm short! lol! 

Fifi made this*! 
Why do they make bears this big anyways? lol!!

I've never been one to want expensive things or dinners at big restaurants.  The hubs spoils me all year round, I have every thing I need and most things that I want. I'm happy with a card and chocolates. I just don't understand people going broke for holidays or birthdays. 

Whatever you do I hope it makes you HAPPY!  

Valentines day will be Chinese take-out and movies for us!  and a Weekend get away for my birthday!  With a spa day thrown in the mix!  Massage, mani, pedi, facial, lunch!!  I love this particular spa,  they are sooooo nice and all the girls always do a great job with whatever they're doing.  I can't wait.

Happy Early Valentines Day to everyone!!

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday Family Showcase.... #3

Let me introduce to you my nephew,
 My youngest sisters son. He is the oldest in her family. His younger brother is Maddox (4) and his baby sister is Milan (1).  He will turn (7) in May.  Malaki has the biggest heart that you could imagine. He loves his little brother and adores his baby sister.  Malaki is in the 1st grade and he's a smarty!  This last quarter he received straight A's on his report card.

Malaki likes to hang out and play with his cousins. He enjoys watching movies and playing his Batman video game. Or whatever he's into at the time. 

This child owns a piece of my !!  

I'm doing this showcase by families so everyone that reads this blog won't get confused. Next week I will be showcasing my other sisters son.

Thanks for stopping by and getting to know my family.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

All you need is L-O-V-E.....

Well, probably a little more than that...

I guess I'm on a pillow kick....because as you can see I made more!  
How can you not love your own L-O-V-E pillows!! 

Plus who doesn't love ruffles and pink?

I had a fun time making these!!

As you can see, my "E" is a little wonky! It's okay I still love it!!

Why is the "E" a little wonky you ask....well, because of not so great planning.  I usually eyeball stuff that I when I was sewing my seams, I guess I went in too far on the inside of the "E" seam, which is making its ends kind of close in. 

I L-O-V-E u for taking the time to visit my page!



My  L-O-V-E pillows are about 12 inches tall.

My "O" pouf, don't you just adore it!
  I was in the middle of making this when my needle broke earlier this week.

After V-Day  I can still use the "O" pouf as a regular decor pillow if I want to. 

Doesn't it look like a yummy cupcake?

Valentine's Day is 11 days away annnnddd 17 more days till my birthday.....eeek!!  Not sure if I've said how old I am before, but without looking at past posts, can you guess how old I'm going to be? 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

things happen when you sew.....


OMG......don't you hate when this happens, in the middle of a project no less!!!!!

Happily sewing and then baaaammmm, broken needle.  I wanted to get done with the project and go to bed.  But I guess Ms. Suzy Sewing Machine had different plans for the night.

After getting frustrated....I took a deep breath, removed the needle, took a picture and calmly walked away from table!

Oh well, I got to go to bed before midnight....yay!  Also you get a "tiny" sneak peek at one of the projects I'm working on!
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