okay still crafting and LOVING IT!!!
Last night I made these, and today I'll probably make like a million more! I have tons of scrap fabric, tons of old clothes (yes..they're washed) that I haven't taken to the clothing box, so I'll be using them for crafty stuff now. My honey says just get rid of it....I said I couldn't cause I've taken every single button off all of the clothes that was supposed to be donated!! So how are other people gonna wear the clothes if there's no buttons on it, I even got the extra button from the inside seam tag ☺! Hey, I'm trying to use all the material/buttons for my crafts.....hello I need buttons for snowman eyes, or centers for my flowers....ALL IN THE NAME OF CRAFTS!!!
Well here are some pics for the fabric flower that I made, of course it's just a sample...I could probably inter-change the fabrics and wear it as a broach, put it on my hat, you name it I can put it on there!! You can also see the different scraps of fabrics that I'll be using.
I just love how this came out...
I used some old blue jeans, different scraps and a pink button. |
This next item is called a fabric yoyo.....I had no idea this is what they were called or even how to make them..... I was at my friends house borrowing some pinking shears and she told me about them. Can you just die...look how cute this is. They are also soooooooo easy to make, I'm definitely going to make 2 million of these!!
Cute as a button!! lol!!
To make this I used a green and black printed scrap and a pink glittered button.
I changed out the centers, I can't even imagine the possibilities.
Also, you can see the different printed scrap fabric I have. |
Well, I'll post more stuff as I do them!! Also, I'll link other sites with great ideas!