Wednesday, November 30, 2011

But Mom....everyone else is doing it!

I definitely can't take credit for this idea...they're all over blog land! But I can take credit for these that I have made ☺!  I love making them. Super easy and always a big hit as a gift.

I won't bore you with a tutorial, so if you want to make them just search for them.  They are really easy to make. 

All you need is:
Glue gun/glue sticks
Glass pebbles
and whatever pic you want -
Family, Holidays, birthdays

Endless possibilities!!

Need a quick little gift or stocking stuffer? Well here you go! 

Great little trinket gifts.

These are different pictures printed on regular paper.
I stamped plain paper with different stamps.
I used stickers and unused tattoo's.
Used a marker on scrap paper.
My favorite.....old James Avery catalogs.
What? you don't know what James Avery is?
I had a broken pebble, so I found this pic to use.  
One side for me and the other side for my bestie!

See Endless possibilities!! 

Just add a magnet to the back and give them away!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas, Christmas time is here!!

I know you were just singing the!
I love that song!  

Are you ready for Christmas?  I am soooo ready.  I totally ♥ the holiday season.  Can you believe that  there are only 26 more days till Christmas? What makes it even more Christmas-y (yeah I added a "y") is we finally got the chilly weather....32º this morning wooo-hooo!! Now if it would only snow. Highly unlikely...booo.

The house is pretty much decorated, I'm just adding all the finishing touches!!  Here is our Christmas Tree, up and festive and patiently waiting for the gifts. Which will not be put under the tree because of 2 certain nosey, no rule following, sneaky felines - 
Stella and Ms. Betty! bad kitties (",)

Christmas Tree 2011

I've only had one problem while putting up decorations.  Being the impatient patient person that I am, I wanted to hurry and put the lights out before it rained on Saturday.  We have a string of lights that's like an extra we use for its light bulbs and it's always put at the end where I really don't  have to have lights on. It works out perfect because I can just tuck the unused non working lights  behind one of the plants near the plug.  Well it rained and I never put in bulbs in the 3 of the empty sockets. I didn't even think of it.  Saturday evening after all the rain was done with I plugged them in and they were on, no biggie...well when I went to unplug them for the night, they were off. I have no idea when they went off.  Let just say I had to change out that string of lights!! Boo!!! No fun at all!   I started to swap out the lights for one of the new boxes that I bought.  I'm so glad I decided to start changing the non-working lights at the next string, not where they were plugged in and nicely hidden, because when I got to the end of the string I was short about 6 feet of string from where they were plugged in - since my favorite store in the whole wide world - Hobby Lobby decided to change the C-9 lights from HL brand to the GE brand and jack up the price to 9.99 -Thank you!! Same amount of bulbs, just set closer together....eek!  So I had to rig up another extension cord!! Very frustrating!! And it's orange, no way to hide that, I'm gonna have to go and buy another green cord.  So instead of 3 string of lights now I have to use  5 string of lights to do the one side!! ugh!!!!!!!  Do I sound whiny??  That's fine!!  It was just annoying!! But it's done, so now I can enjoy my lights till the New Year!

What was one disastrous episode you've had with the Christmas Tree or while decorating !!

Hmm... I have so many stories but my favorite would have to be when I was 6.  We lived 3 houses down from my grandmother, we were having dinner and daddy told me to run to the house and plug in the Christmas tree lights.  Shouldn't take me more than 5 minutes.    So I ran home and got on my belly to crawl on the side of the tree, well I guess I was a little to close because I bumped it and it came toppling over on top of me....yup it was insane. Well this was a monstrous tree, it was heavy and completely full of lights, tinsel, glass ornaments, you name it it was in the tree! Well good thing my dad wasn't too far behind, I would have been there a while, if he hadn't of thought it would of probably been hard for me to get to the plug.  Sadly every things was broken!!  I was okay, just a little scraped up from the tree needles.  But we went out the next day and bought more ornaments and I was never allowed to touch the plug ever again. I didn't wasn't till I was 19 and I was moved out on my own.

Carrie with Children

My World Made by Hand

Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

What a great Thanksgiving weekend!!  Glad to be back, I missed you all.....What? I did!

I hope that everyone had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family and was stuffed to the brim with all of the yummy foods and tasty desserts.

My heart is full!  I am thankful for my life and my home. I am thankful for my awesome hubby.  I adore him, he's such an amazing man. I am so thankful to have such wonderful and amazing, family and friends in my life. There is just so much to be thankful for.

I can't believe that we're done with Thanksgiving! Where has the year gone?  Weren't we just celebrating New Years! It is true, time goes by so much faster when you're older.

Well, I hope that everyone that went out on Black Friday or is shopping today on Cyber Monday got all the great deals they were looking for.  I hope that no one got sick or hurt during the madness on Friday!

Also thank you to all my new followers, I am returning the follow.  I am replying to comments as well.  If you have your email set up as No-Reply, change it!  I really do like to reply to comments.  So if you didn't get a reply, well that's usually why. I do visit your page and leave a comment. If you're new please leave a comment  so I can return the follow too!! How do I know you're following if you don't let me know! Thanks!

Everyone have a great week!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Blabs!!

Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey, Turkey   This is my turkey chant....can you hear it! Why don't you give it a try, lol! Chant away!  I know you want to. I'm ready to grub. Ugh! why can't it be Thanksgiving already!! Hurry up and get here!

source all the Twi-lighters, Twi-Hards, Twi-Moms, Twi-Teens, Twi-Men or whatever you are, while you're waiting your many hours in line with your friends, snacks,  twilight shirts, posters, or other.  I will be nice and toasty in my bed asleep.  I can wait till next week to watch it.  I want to enjoy the movie and not hear girls/ moms scream when Jacob Black takes his shirt off, or die hard fans snicker that this scene was not how it was in the book. For goodness sake, it's a movie! While I enjoyed the books and the movies, I'm not dreaming of becoming a vampire or being imprinted on by a wolf. So, with that being said.  Enjoy the movie and don't worry about spoiling it for me, I already know how it ends. LOL!   I personally think it's a waste to buy t-shirts, dolls or what ever else is out there.  I pay to watch the movie and I pay to buy the movie when it comes outs.  That's all they're getting from me. Yes, I admit I'm team Edward!!
 8^€   (lol, like my Vampire Edward)

Okay, I totally think Bradley Cooper is a hottie and it's fine that People magazine named him Sexiest Man. That's awesome, but my only complaint is the pic they used for the cover.....WHAT!!!! There are sooooooo many other pics that are waaaaaaaayyy sexier than that!!  Very disappointed with the pic......No wonder people are upset, he doesn't look that great.  So, I've posted a pic of him that I like!!  And I like his hair long!! YUMMY!

Have you heard!! There's a on-line boycott to remove the Kardashian's from TV! If you would like to sign the petition go here , since my last visit there are now 114,967 signatures.  It's insane! I did watch the first season of Keeping up with the Kardashians, but then there were all the other spin-offs, they take Miami, then NYC!!  To many of them is too much.  I did enjoy Khloe and Lamar's show, (1) gal I can handle.   They're people just like us, well kind of,  Not all of us have Famous sex tapes, married to basket ball stars, have perfume/clothing lines, Olympic gold medalist as a step-dad, a brother on Dancing with the stars, Modeling little sisters, one of them who turned 16 and got a 2012 black RangeRover, a crazy Momager, a douche of a baby daddy aka Scott in the family (okay who doesn't have that)....see we're just like them. <sarcasm>  

What is your opinion on it.  

Well I hope that everyone enjoys their Holiday next week.  I will not be on-line, I need a vacation from the net.  When I get back I will be posting some new items that I've been making.  Have a awesome day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TuesdayTalk - Thanksgiving!

I'm doing the Thanksgiving edition early. I will not be on-line next week!
So here is the sarcasm and funny for today.









Everyone have a great day!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tell Me About Yourself Award!!

Hello everyone, Judy at Judy H - JSThoughts  has been kind enough to award me with the fun "Tell Me About Yourself" Award. Thank you Judy, you are truly awesome.  Everyone should take the time to go and visit her lovely blog. She really made my day.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. I must tell you seven things about myself
2. I must pass the award on to 15 other bloggers

Seven things about me:
1. I never buy what's on a gift registry! I buy what I want to give, if they don't like it they can return it!
2. I love taking pictures, digital and film and I have over 100 film cartridges that still need to be developed.
3. When I bowl, I can throw the ball with either hand.
4. I drink chocolate milk with every meal. If I have it I drink it! lol!
5. I wash dishes by hand, even though we have a dishwasher! And I absolutely hate washing dishes!! I guess I like to punish myself.
6. I procrastinate way too much.
7. I want to be an Famous actress.

There are so many awesome blogs out there it was so hard to choose. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Tomorrow, 11/12/11 we will celebrate our 6 year Wedding Anniversary! I know lots of women say they have the best husband in the world, granted you have that right to say so.  Well I will say that I have the "GREATEST" husband in the world. He is the kindest, sweetest, most loving man. He wants to take care of me, love me, and provide for me. I love how we communicate, I love that we can just be quiet with one another, without all the unnecessary chatter. We make each other laugh all the time. He accepts me with all my faults and I accept him as well.  I love his family, he loves mine.  His family loves me, my family loves him!  I have a fabulous life and I can't believe that I get to share it with this wonderful and amazing man.  

He is the Color to my World 
The Sunshine in my Life 
and The Love in my Heart!

The best day of my life November 12, 2005

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hoo Are You? #60


1. Do you type on a keyboard the correct way or do you peck like a cute little chick?
I type the correct way, it took me forever to learn it in the 10th grade, so I do it right. lol!

2. Typically how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Maybe an hour to a hour and a half.....Oh it's not getting "myself" ready. I tend to start folding clothes or wash a dish while I'm getting ready, it's a bad habit. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have kids.  I won't have anytime to get myself ready then.

3. Do you prefer lip gloss or lipstick?
I always wear lip gloss. If I'm going on fancy dates with my honey buns I'll wear lipstick.

4. Do you take clothes to the dry cleaner or wash them yourself even if they say dry clean only?
I'm a big time rule breaker! I wash everything including the dry clean stuff.....I know I'm breaking some kind of cardinal rule! But hey it's mine and If something goes wrong then that's fine. I'd be more upset if something happened to it while at the dry cleaners.

5. Do you prefer Wal Mart or Target.
Target, Target, Target....can you tell I ♥ Target!!  I despise WallyWorld, it has to be a serious emergency to go there. Like if I was totally out of cream of tartar while baking or something.  It's on my list of "Places to Avoid" around my house.  So this year I've been there 8 times.  I'm lucky enough to have both of them so close. 

Thanks for stopping by to read a little info about me.
Head on over to Night Owl Crafting to join the fun!

TuesdayTalk - What's happening now!

Just a little funny and sarcasm for the week!

I'm being featured at Living Life: Hannah Style!

Living Life: Hannah Style

Hey everyone today my Mini-Jeweled-Frame is being featured at Living Life: Hannah Style , go and visit Hannah she's super AWESOME and does a great job of featuring other great blogs. 

Thanks Hannah for featuring me today!

While you are there you can add your own links to your tutorials, recipes, DIY's, projects or what ever you've been working on the week. So go get linking, follow Living Life: Hannah Style and grab up her buttons.  You can grab my button too, if you want (",)!

Monday, November 7, 2011

My late FridayFinds!!

This post was for last Friday, but my phone was acting up and I couldn't get the pictures.  Well while out on my lunch break I went to one of the local resale shops. I really wasn't planning on buying anything I was just "browsing", lol!!  While there I found this cute little desk.

I absolutely love it!! When I first came upon it, there was a big mirror on it.  I was soooo hoping that it was under $50 bucks.  I have been looking for a small desk for my craft room for a while.  I refused to pay full price for a new one. I'm so glad I decided to go there for lunch.  Because I'm sure it wouldn't have been there long.  When I removed the big mirror from the top, to my hearts delight I saw a sticker price of $40.00!  I quickly called over an attendant and told them I'd take it.  

I paid for it and had them load it into my truck!  Yay for me!!  I really wish that it had come with a chair.  That's not a problem but I was just wishing.  Can't wait to get it upstairs in its new home - my craft room!

Was it just me or what??

I had the worst sleep ever. I did not feel like I had an extra hour of sleep. I did not feel well rested.  I was cranky and irritated most of the morning!  Then yesterday I even went to sleep early thinking that, that would do the trick.....sadly no!

The first time I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 1:30 am...I thought "yessssss, I still have about 5 more hours to sleep!  No, that did not happen I was waking up about every hour and a half thinking that I had overslept or I was waking up thinking that I had missed my alarm. It was very frustrating!

I hope this passes because I really need my sleep this week.

How was your extra hour? I hope better than mine.