Hi everyone!! Hope everyone is having a great day.
Well this post is not going to be very original. Why you ask - how many times have you seen bibs and burp cloths on a blog post? See what I mean.
These next couple of months are going to be busy with babies. Nieces having babies, cousins having babies and friends having babies. That's a lot of babies. That also means a lot of sewing is going to be taking place.
What I can tell you is that this has to be one of the easiest things to make. If you have a pattern that's even better. I decided to draw some out on poster board. Not the easiest thing to do. It was a challenge trying to find something round and big enough for a neck hole. I finally found a round candle top that was a perfect size. I'm not going to go into detail about the pattern because there are so many out there for anyone to use.
For the burp cloth you can pretty much free-hand any shape you want - square, rectangle, oval, heart-shaped, eight-shaped the list can go on. Totally up to you. This is a great project for a beginner.

Cut your fabric, put the right sides facing together, and pin. Then sew around using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Don't forget to leave a 2-3 inch opening so you can turn it right side out. If there are any curves or rounded edges make sure to snip, careful not to cut through the stitch.
I use a chopstick to push out all the edges. Snipping the curves or rounded edges gives it a nice shape when you iron. Press with the iron, then top-stitch all the way around.
I love to sew hand-made items. So doing the extra work like snipping and pressing makes the finished product look like I just bought it from the store. I want people to be happy with what I make. I want them to know it's hand-made, but not look like it's home-made. I hope you understand what I mean, lol!
I used soft white terry cloth for the backs and sewed on Velcro for the bibs.
If you've been visiting my blog long enough you know my motto: If you make it, then tag it!
These two sets went to my niece who had a baby on the 2nd of January. I really hope she liked them.
I can't wait to have a baby myself, I know I'm going to be sewing up a storm when that finally happens.
Everyone have a fabulous week.
Linking up to the amazing parties on my party page and here:
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