i do not own this photo! |
So, now that it's here are like really famous people
gonna go there now? Probably not, lol!
Any whoooo......
I'm really excited for it, I like to see all the hype when the 1st "whatever" comes to Houston!
In my opinion they should have built the 1st one in the Galleria Area. They have everything else there and it would be in the up-town part of the city. Nope, it's in the Baybrook (ClearLake/Webster) area allllllll the way on the other side of Texas, geez! Okay not really, Baybrook is south of Houston heading down to Galveston basically. It is really pretty there, don't get me wrong! It's just I'm a little miffed because I would have to drive over an hour to have it (you know with Houston traffic).
Oh well....
at least my side of town got the 1st Carl's Jr., Yeah buddy!!
*sidenote - i have yet to go to it, lol!! I have been to the ones in Cali.
I guess I'll just be happy with my Cheesecake with pecans waffle cone from our local "slab of the marble", (yes, that's what I call it) or the most delish Chocolate w/ peanut butter swirls from Baskin!! YUMMY!
Okay, I just made myself hungry!!
What's your flavor?
If I'm buying from the grocery store.... TinRoof