Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

What a year!!  I can't believe that there are only a couple of hours left for this 2012 year.  I would like to wish everyone a safe, wonderful and prosperous new year.  

I am so happy and thankful for this amazing year that we had.  TheHubs and myself have been blessed beyond measure.   I have seen my family grow and be blessed and I pray for that to continue this coming year. I pray for growth in my family as in a baby....all prayers are welcomed.  I am grateful for this wonderful life that I get to share with my hubs, he is my heart and the love of my life.

God Bless and Happy New Year

2013 is going to be a great year!!

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hello to everyone on this wonderful Christmas day.  I hope you all received everything you wished for.  I guess my next post will be next week.  This December has been so busy.  Studytime, finals, gift wrapping, baking and family time. What a month, lol.

Everyone be safe and have a fabulous day.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Bite Pecan Tarts

Okay, so they totally lied about the two bite part.  I can totally do it in one, lol!!   Wow, did I just admit to that, yes I did.  Hey it's the Holiday season and I'm gonna stuff my face till Jan. 2nd. then get on the band wagon of dieters for the first two weeks of the new year.'s the truth, so why lie!

They sell these at Kroger and I wish they didn't!  These little tarts are the "DEVIL".  Without shame in my heart I will admit that they are alllllllll gone in less than 24 hours.  Oh no...not just lil ole Fifi, but with the help of theHubs.  I'm not big on any pie I'm usually the one who just leaves the crust triangle on the plate at holiday parties. But these are '"super Yummy" and I will definitely eat the crust on these tarts or devils! (^.^)

Like I said they are sold at Kroger, there are 16 to the pack and they sell for less that 6 bucks.  Sadly the cashier warned me about how good these were....I thought to myself,  Meh!! I have totally will power. LoL!! Luckily we only go grocery shopping every two weeks.  So we've only had 2 packs this month.

Hope everyone is having a great week.  I am busy with a school project and studying, finals are the week of Dec. 10th....which will be here before you know it!!

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Monday, November 12, 2012

I married the man of my dreams on this day!

Almost 12 years ago on a Monday you asked me for my phone number. It took you about a week to call me.  When you did you asked me out on a date.  I can still remember what you wore and where we went.  We've been with each other ever since. 

8 years ago we had a evening picnic at our favorite spot, then went for a stroll near the Waterwall.  I remember I didn't want to go near the water because the mist would make my hair frizz up....but you convinced me and we went anyway.  Between the bench and the Waterwall you bent on one knee and asked me to marry you and I happily said YES...we cried, laughed and hugged each other.  I was the happiest person in town.

7 years ago today we both said our vows in front of God, our family and friends.  I thought I was the happiest when you proposed but the day we said "I DO" that's the day you made me the Happiest women in this whole wide world.  I'm still the happiest woman today.

I love you more than ever, you were and still are the man of my dreams!  Looking forward to many, many more years with you!

You're still the Color to my World 
The Sunshine in my Life 
and The Love in my Heart!

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Friday, November 9, 2012

I'm here.....

I've been a very bad, bad blogger these past couple of weeks.  I have been trying to reply to comments, so give me some credit. School is to blame, so I don't feel too guilty about not having too much on here.  Tests and studying have taken over my life.  I had a Lab exam yesterday and I'm very confident that I made an "A" on it. 

 Well I can't believe that next week is already the middle of November....didn't we just start it.  I could have sworn that I just passed out candy for Halloween.  Nevertheless, I can't wait for Thanksgiving ---> "BigGirlTendencies"

Hmmmmmmm.....turkey, sweets & football  <all in the Homer Simpson voice>

I should have some new projects posted up soon....and more posts. 
Sad to see one of my readers unfollow me....oh well it happens.

Everyone have a fun and fabulous weekend!!
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Make your Vote count!

It doesn't matter who you vote for, just VOTE!!!
You can't complain if you don't vote.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!! 2012

Happy Halloween
to all you
Witches, Ghouls and Goblins.....


Everyone be safe and enjoy yourself.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Crafts 2012

Here are some pics from my Halloween Craft day with my nieces and nephews.
We all had a great time.  I think their favorite part was rolling out cookie dough.

Painting Haunted Houses and Making Mummy Pumpkins
Rolling out cookies and making Mummies to eat! 
 Mummy Pumpkins, Cookies, and best cousins!  Oh and a photo bomb from my Peanut, Jake!! lol!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Eye See You!! Halloween Cookies

Where has the month gone?  Can you believe that Halloween is next week, then in a couple of weeks it will be Thanksgiving.....geez!

Well, this past weekend was my Halloween craft day with my nieces and nephews.  It was a success and I will share some pics on Wednesday. You know for Wordless Wed. or my version - Pictures and Words Wed.   We had a lot of fun. I can tell that now as the kiddos get older they understand more of what they're doing. 

I don't like to waste anything so, last night while cleaning up the kitchen I decided instead of throwing out or freezing the dough (I'll forget about it and end up throwing it out later) I'd go ahead and finish using the cookie dough that was left over.  It was enough to make about 2 dozen cookies.  These are for theHubs and myself. 

Here are my

Halloween Eye-ball cookies

I made a sugar cookie dough using a recipe that used powdered sugar instead of the granulated sugar. YUMMY!

I also made the icing for decorating. 


I was like a kid too!!  How many times can you really make eye-ball cookies during the!!

Everyone have a great year and thank you for stopping by.

Linking up to the wonderful pages on my link party page and also these great places:

Monday, October 15, 2012

I've been sewing and studying!!

I'm back....did you miss me?  Oh, you didn't realize I was gone huh....I kind of!!!  I've been busy with school stuff.  
Well I'm glad you're here now to see what I have to show you. 

I've been working on different ways to sew my bags.  Like one handle instead of two or using batting instead of interfacing, buttons and zippers, pockets or no pockets.  This bag has no pockets, I used batting and is big and squishy and I totally love it!!  

I call it - The Squishy Catch-All tote.
(Sorry for the bad pics, we've had some rain and I could never get any good lighting from the window.)

You can just throw anything in there.

Linking up to the wonderful parties on my Party page and here:

Whimsically Homemade

Thanks for stopping by....till next time!!

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tasty Tuesday - Easy Cheesy Bread

I'm so happy - Houston has some cooler weather in the forecast.  It makes me even more excited for the Fall/Winter weather.  So I really hope it stays a while.  There's nothing suckier than having a warm Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas!
On to Tasty Tuesday......

This is super easy and quick to make at home with bread slices or left over burger or hot dog buns.  I don't know why we always have buns left over, but we do and I try to use them.  

Sometimes theHubs will ask for some toasty bread to go along with dinner and I'm happy to oblige.  He'll usually ask when we have "said" leftover bread/buns.  Which is great because, the only thing that I hate to do more is walk into the grocery store to buy 1 thing like bread or a oddball list of items like - Drain-O, Jello, and charcoal. Yup, weird stares galore.  Can you say episode of "Snapped", lol!!   Which by the way is our favorite show to watch on Sundays, we're just weird like that!  We have some deep convo's on some of those episodes, lol!  Anyways back to the bread.

1) Set the oven to 400°
2) Prepare bread -
I butter both sides, 
sprinkle with garlic salt,
a little shredded cheese and
dried parsley.
(this stuff can be
put on the 1 top side)
3) Put bread on foiled baking pan (I use the pizza pan)
4) Then pop them into the oven and bake for 5-7 minutes. 
It varies so you might want to keep an eye on it.

Yummy and easy!

Have a great day!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Halloween project!

Yay, for Fall! This is my favorite time of the year.  It's rainy today, but it makes it cooler outside.  
I didn't have time to finish any of my current projects that I have.  So I'm committing to ultimate crime - I am re-posting, lol! Ahhhh...I'm so sorry but I didn't have time.  I am constantly studying and I have another test on Tuesday.

So, here is a pic and a link for my Halloween Yarn Wreath.  If you don't know what yarn wreaths are you must live under a rock deep in the forest by the lonely trees. 

Halloween Yarn Wreath
Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great week.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Bagels anyone.....

I've seen lots of weird things in my 30+ years but I've got to say this has to be the oddest thing out there. 

My only question now is 

Um, I don't think I would want to be called a bagelhead.  I already have a watermelon head as it is, lol!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

DIY Bracelet - Using Shrinky Plastic

Hi everyone!!  I lay here in my bed writing this post all late because I took forever trying to get pics ready and doing laundry and watching some good ole football with theHubs, Go TEXANS 3-0!!! I'm super sleepy and tired but I will finish this post, lol!! Yes, I am the biggest procrastinator.... for one I've been on vacation with my honey this past week so this post should have been done and ready to go.  
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend, it was the 1st day of Fall.  Here in Houston you couldn't tell we were still in the 90's, just a tad bit warm.  We were still able to enjoy the day though.

Okay, now that I have confessed here is what's going on in Casa Fifi and theHubs...
I am still working on some more of the thread-sketching but I wasn't finished with it, I can't decide what exactly I want to make it into yet.  It will probably end up being another pillow, who knows.  I really like this technique a lot.  It's so different and the more imperfect you sew the better it looks (totally my opinion).  
Well here is another project I finished.  It's something simple and sweet and very easy to do.  If you have an imagination you can pretty much create anything you want.  What am I talking about - Shrinky Dink Plastic!!  I totally love this stuff.  It is the coolest to use - with adult supervision if children are crafting with this.

I hope you like what I made!

 Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great week.  
Linking up at my favorite parties on my party page and also here:

**If you're a new reader or follower please let me know so I can return the follow.  
The GFC and Linky Follow tabs are at the very bottom of the page.

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thread Sketching - Owl Pillow project

Okay, if you haven't noticed yet, my go to projects are always going to be a pillow or a bag.  This weeks project is a pillow as you can see.  I thought I'd try my hand at thread sketching...basically drawing with the sewing machine.  

Some people use a darning foot, but I don't have one so a regular presser foot is just fine.  I freehand drew the owl.  If drawing is not your best skill don't worry you can trace any pic you want.  The lines being sewn don't have to be perfect anyway. 

See...not very perfect.  I used different stitches that were available on my machine for the eyes.  The rest was just sewing lines, back stitching, and turning my piece around.

More non-perfectness.  I used interfacing and batting when I sewed the owl.  Gives it that squishy, wrinkly, quilt like look.  

My favorite part was the eyes.

For the rest of the pillow I just did freehand quilting lines.

I finished it off by adding a blue just like the eye's for the back.  I really enjoy the technique of thread sketching.  It's really fun to do.

Thanks for stopping by to view the new project.  Everyone have a fabulous week.

Linking up to the awesome links that are on my party page and to these wonderful places:

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Wednesday people!!! - Pics and Words Wednesdays

Just a quick message from AboutBloggingTime!!  No project this week, sorry.  I've had lots of homework to get done and studying for next weeks 1st exam.  But don't worry I've been working on something so you'll see it posted on Sunday. 

I'd like to give a big "HELLO" to all of my new readers.  It's great to have you visiting my projects or commenting on something that I wrote.  If you're new to my page the GFC and the Linky list is at the very bottom of the can follow me there.   Also, shoot me a email or leave me a comment so I know you're a new follower.  How else will I know, lol!!

Stella and Ms.Betty want to say HELLO too!

StellaBella the Cat

Ms.Betty fur Pants-a-lot
Look at my fur-babies, cat posing for the camera!!  Can you say spoiled!  I need kids already, lol!

Well everyone have a great week.  I'll be back in a bit.
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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Elephant Softie - using a pattern

Okay, I wasn't going to post a project this week.  Buuuuuut I had to show off this cute little elephant that I sewed up.  It was included in the birthday tote that was for my for my niece.  

 There are tons of tutorials out on the net and there are too many cute ones to choose from as well.  Since I was short on time and needed to get this done quickly I decided on this one here.  Jess from Craftiness is not Optional has one of the cutest and easiest patterns available.  Go check out her page, she has some really awesome stuff and her blog is great.

Now on to the cuteness.....

Look who has the cutest tail ever.....

Big blue floppy ears to go with the cute tail!

There you have it.

This pattern only has two legs, but I will definitely have to try making one with 4 legs.

See, I told you it was going to be cute!
Thanks for stopping by, you have a fabulous week.

Linking up at the parties on my party page and here:
Its So Very Cheri

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Can you see it.... Can you feel it.... Can you smell it....

What am I talking about you ask - only the most glorious season of the year...


 Technically it's still about 3 or 4 weeks away, but who cares I will still say it's Fall after Labor day!

I can feel the change coming, the nights have a slight cooler breeze.  It's getting darker a tad bit earlier than it was last week.  We could go almost to 8:45 and still have light out.  Now, it's 8:30 and the sun is set. 

We'll be able to buy pomegranates from the market, yummy! I can also see the pecans on the trees, before you know they will be falling and ready for the picking. Soon pumpkins will start to appear.  I can go into Bed Bath & Beyond just to smell all the cinnamon scented pine cones and candles (yes, I do that). Baking treats is my absolute favorite thing to do....(squeal) ← can you tell I'm excited, lol!

Halloween and Thanksgiving decor is out.....Even Christmas is out.  Well in Hobby Lobby it is, they start putting it out in mid-July.  Crazy right, but they have a lot of space to set up. So I can understand.  I took out my Christmas tree's too, they have to be pre-fluffed. don't pre-fluff the branches?  I know, I'm crazy but this is my favorite time of the year....I'm always super busy, I have classes at night, and my weekends are jam packed with errands, so  I start early. 

Between the studying and catching up on some movies with theHubs this weekend.  I will be trying my hand at baking.... breads, biscuits, rolls.  We'll see how that turns out.  I know it's still a little warm out, but I 'm so ready to start the Holiday cooking and baking. *\(",)/*

 Every one have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer vacation is over....

Why do the weekends go by so quickly? Because time sure does fly when you're having fun that's why, lol.   This was the last free weekend for everyone here in Houston.  School starts does the crazy traffic, the getting caught behind school buses, and the waking up super early to avoid all of this.  I myself will start my evening classes on Tuesday...yay!!  So, for everyone that starts school tomorrow good luck and have a fantastic semester.

Now for this weeks project.  My next project will probably be in two weeks, just till I get situated with my class schedule.

I'm showing off a new tote that I made for my niece Aubrey.  It was for her second birthday.  I really enjoy sewing and making thing for my loved ones and for myself.  

Red on the inside.

For this tote bag I sewed a double pocket on the outside for some extra storage.

If you make it, then tag it.  My tag "Fifi Made This"

Okay are you ready to be attacked with cuteness.....really how can you not love this.  I made this as the special little add-on for the tote.

After about 7 different variations, I really liked the way I drew this little elephant.  I then traced on felt and sewed on the extra little pieces.  Then I drew the letter "A"  for her name and made it too.  Cute huh!  Her birthday theme was "Circus".

This has to be my favorite tote that I have made so far.

Until next time!  Thanks for stopping by.  

Participating at all the fabulous parties on my party page and here:

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Easy Lime Syrup!

This will probably be the last post for Summer....not the last post ever but the last post about anything to do with Summer.  Labor day is around corner and that usually means bye bye Summer.  The Fall season will start soon and I can not wait.

Okay back to the post.  

Last weekend while running errands with theHubs, he promised to take me to Sonic to get something cool and refreshing while we endure the "awesome" heat here in TX.  Well we totally forgot to stop.  I said don't worry, I'll see what we have at home.  While creeping over the Internet I found recipes for snow cone syrup.  They are all pretty much the same and so easy I decided to give it a try. 

Yes, Yes...I know I'm all late to this band wagon of cold, cool, fresh beverages, but this is the first time I ever tried this. I was super excited and theHubs totally loved it.

This has to be the easiest thing to make EEEEver!!  Well I wanted to to flavor it and all I had were limes.  One of theHubs employees has a lime tree and she gave us a bag full of limes.  I'm really thankful to all our friends who are always sharing their fruits or veggies with us.  I was in the middle of making frozen lime cubes, since I don't like to waste things, I used some fresh lime juice to flavor the syrup.

Okay here is what I used and what I did:

2 cups of sugar to every 1 cup of water.   
Fresh Limes

For this batch I used 2 cups of water and 4 cups of sugar.  Brought it to a boil, making sure the sugar was dissolved and the mixture was clear.  Took it off the burner and while letting it cool, I used 8 limes to flavor the syrup.  Then I added a couple of drops of green food coloring. There you have it, Lime Syrup......YUMMY!

Of course it was complete agony waiting for the syrup to cool down.  But when it finally did I just used my blender to choppy chop the ice!  Served it in styrofoam cups like the snow cone place does it then hand a cup over to theHubs with a spoon and a bendy straw.  

It was sooooooooooo good and I want to make them all the time now.  
 I just used a jar to store the rest of the syrup in and popped into the fridge.

*edit - You can flavor the syrup with kool-aid packets....I sooo totally didn't believe this.  But yesterday I made some more syrup and added a cherry flavored packet...oh was yummy.  Two thumbs up from the hubby as well.

Everyone have a fabulous week! Thank you for stopping by.

Sharing at all the awesome parties on my party link page and here:

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